Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 17 - Week 3

Some good results on the scales today as 2 more pounds are gone. Like I said a few days ago, this week is all about extra work and some extra stress which historical has meant more food to compensate. But so far so good as the 1 Db Overdrive along with the Thyro-drive have kept the appetite controlled.

Weight: 235
Body Fat: 27.2%
Water Weight: 55.9%
Muscle: 34.8%

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 16 - Week 3

Getting back on the diet yesterday was not an issue. Took my first Db Overdrive and Thyro-drive around 7am, then another at 10am, and final at 2pm. The directions say take two of each first thing in morning and early afternoon for a total of 4 pills each. With my plan I take only 3/4ths the pills and spread it around a bit.

Happy to see the Body Fat, Water Weight and Muscle numbers derived from the HoMedics SC-565 scales returned to more of what was expected. Speaking of those scales, it is nice to see your hydration levels going up and down instead of just having to guess. Before this set of scales, I had set that just showed weight and body fat. So this one was an improvement to say the least. In addition, this one says my body fat % is about 3 points less than the other set. Of course this set of scales most be more accurate. The only problem I have with these scales is after you weigh, it gives you so much information it's a bit of a memory test to read it off the screen, and then write it down before forgetting. One step up from this one is the Tanita BC-1000, which connects to your Garmin or Computer and automatically uploads the numbers.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 27.7%
Water Weight: 55.5%
Muscle: 34.6%

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 15 - Week 3

Made it though the 2nd weekend off of Db Overdrive plan with only 2 pounds of weight gain.

Also made the long drive last night with only one small shake.

This week is going to be a busy week. Some may even call it stressful with a public speaking event tomorrow night followed up with a job interview / perspective client the morning after. Will see what that does to the diet as like many, extra stress and extra work normally results in extra Calories for me.

Weight: 239
Body Fat: 28.9%
Water Weight: 54.9%
Muscle: 34.1%

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 14 - Week 2

Today is the second weekend of the Db Overdrive plan along with the second weekend off the appetite suppressants. To make the challenge a bit more I'll be driving 4 hours tonight. To me, driving and eating to stay awake go hand in hand. My normal 4 hour drive at night will consist of at least two shakes. One from BK and one from McDonald's. My goal for if any tonight, that any will be one and that one will be of the small size.

Yesterday (Day 13) was an off day. Lunch was spent at the Elephant Bar where I turned down the really high Calorie dishes and ordered a 1/2 sandwich and 3 cheese macaroni. Dinner was not so pretty. McDonalds two hamburgers, split a large order of fries and a snack size Reese's McFlurry. The rest of the day was rounded out with a few fiber bars.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 13 - Week 2

No scales today so no weight to report.

Yesterday was an ok diet day with a middle part spent driving. I did eat two burger from BK, but rest of the day was pretty good with salads and protein bars.

Sleep was hard to come by, but feeling ok today. We will see how the appetite goes.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 12 - Week 2

Up early for work today. As such, I think my weight shows me up a pound more than it normally would. Still, will record it as it showed up on the scales.

Going out of town today and will not be back until Sunday night, so no more weight checks until Monday. Of course Monday will be after two days of being off the 1 Db Overdrive and Thyr-drive. Last weekend showed a 3 pound increase from Friday to Monday, of which took me 3 days to recover from. I'll try to remember that setback this weekend.

Yesterday's diet was really good if I say so myself. Weight Loss shakes, protein bars, fiber bars, a 1/2 grilled chicken salad for lunch and a grilled chicken salad for dinner. In fact I think I set a personal record for the most salads in one day (two). Both salads where from restaurants with many other more tempting offerings. So that was probably another personal record set by being able to turn down high Calorie alternatives from not just one, but two restaurants in a single day.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 28.7%
Water Weight: 54.8%
Muscle: 33.9%

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 11 - Week 2

Woke up this morning well rested. Yesterday I did my version of the Db Overdrive program with 3 single pill doses instead of two, two pill doses. My appetite was pretty much in check as the day was spent drinking diet shakes (2), protein drinks (1), fiber bars (2). Then for dinner, some Fazoli's spaghetti with meat sauce, two bread sticks and a slice of cheesecake. I should not have done the cheesecake.

The cheesecake was the first time I really "broke the diet" during the week. Perhaps I was too hungry when dinner rolled around and I did not have strength enough not to grab a slice? Not sure. My last dose of Overdrive was a 2:20, and I ordered at 5:40. My last fiber bar was around 4. I would have thought that would have been enough. If anything, I may not have drank enough water yesterday. Plus I went on a 5 mile run while it was 93 degrees out which took a lot of sweat out of me. Still, I was not all that thirsty yesterday which is a bit odd for me. Will focus more on hydration today.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 27.7%
Water Weight: 55.5%
Muscle: 34.6%

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 10 - Week 2

On Day 9, I actaully only took 2 pills of 1 Db Overdrive and Thyro-drive each instead of my usual 3 and still not up to 4 which the bottle recommends. Took the last dose around 2pm and was in bed and asleep just a little after 11pm. Got my best night sleep since starting the program.

Back on Day 8, I predicted my weight would be down to 235 today. I missed that one, but happy to see my Body Fat down to 27.5%. Have not seen that mark in a while.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 27.5%
Water Weight: 55.7%
Muscle: 34.6%

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 9 - Week 2

Another morning of having a hard time waking up. A lot like yesterday without the luxury of being able to stay in bed. Slept so so from about 2am on. But when the 5:30 alarm went off, I felt like there was no way to get up and be productive (at least that was the rationalization). So set it for 6:30 and then hit the snooze button until 7:30. Took a good 30 minutes after that for my mind to come back online. I can say I was looking forward to the first dose of Overdrive this morning for the wake up help.

Yesterday's diet went well until dinner. Due to a late business meeting and then a business dinner, I eat way to many Calories with a ton of salt. But despite the bad dinner, today's numbers look better than yesterdays.

Weight: 239
Body Fat: 28.1%
Water Weight: 55.2%
Muscle: 34.4%

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 8 - Week 2

Stepped on the scales this morning and wow! Looks like I've gained 3 pounds. I went back to bed and slept the sleep of a man two days free of diet stimulants.

Ok ok, the 3 extra pounds I'm going to treat as an anomaly and not worry about it. If I were to bet, Day 9 will be back down to 237 and I'm betting on 235 by Day 10.

The following data is odd -- Way too big of a jump in all 4 areas
Weight: 240
Body Fat: 28.8%
Water Weight: 54.7%
Muscle: 33.9%

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 7

Another off day before going back on the Db Overdrive.

Had McDonald's big breakfast with hot cakes for breakfast. The first non SlimFast breakfast in 7 days just for a change. Nothing against SlimFast or Costco's version of SlimFast. Actually I'm a strong believer in being able to drink your breakfast. It saves time, money and Calories all at the same time giving you some good vitamins. Plus I find that I can take the 2 daily vitamins, 2 glucosamine pills and 2 Fish Oil morning tablets just fine with just the SlimFast and nothing else to buffer my stomach.

As expected, last nights sleep was the best (despite the over worked legs) I've had since last Saturday night with the last of the Db Overdrive pills being around 30 hours ago.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 27.6%
Water Weight: 55.6%
Muscle: 34.6%

Day 6

Today was the first off day! Went on a 9 mile run in the morning. Spent the rest of the day moving slow and trying to think past the tired legs. I did enjoy that un-wired feeling as I took no Db Overdrive pills today. As far as the performance of the run went, it was a bit slower than the run on Day 1 of the program. After comparing my heart rate and pace from Day 5 and Day 1, you can tell that I just was not as much into the Day 5 run as Day 1. Or in other words, I just didn't feel like working as hard. Granted both Day 1 and Day 5 runs were more about endurance than speed. Still, allowing your body to run as fast or as slow as it feels, is a pretty good indication of how it feels. And a bit of an indication of how much the mind really wants to push it.

As far as diet going, I had the over half of a thin crust pizza, and then some non-buttered popcorn.

Sleeping went a bit better Friday night, but mostly better as I stayed in bed longer. Seems like my body and mind are not ready to really sleep until after 4.

Weight: 238
Body Fat: 27.9%
Water Weight: 55.4%
Muscle: 34.4%

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 5

Not much sleep again last night. Actually looking forward to going off the pills this weekend assuming that I will be able to sleep better. Not really craving sleep all that much, but feel like I need it more for it's recuperative powers than anything else.

Also will be interesting to see how quickly my appetite returns this weekend while off the Db Overdrive. It has been nice to not crave the sweets.

Went on a bike ride yesterday that had some hills. Was very happy with the power I felt my legs were generating. It was a social ride, so the numbers did not translate well for performance checking -- should have time today and this weekend for some better measurements.

Down to 237. Tried on a pair of size 38 shorts. I could actually wear them - albeit still to tight. If things keep going well, I'll be in them by next weekend.

Weight: 237 //Down 5 pounds.
Body Fat: 28.0%
Water Weight: 55.3%
Muscle: 34.4%

Day 4

Starting to (not there yet) feel a bit more like my old self but without the appetite. Work has also helped with demanding 100% of may waking hours.

Sleep was hard to come by again last night.

Weight: 238 //Down 5 pounds.
Body Fat: 27.9%
Water Weight: 55.4%
Muscle: 34.4%

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 3

Surprised to see another fall in weight this morning. Will have to remind myself that this is likely water weight that is being shed as my sodium intake is way down.

Did not sleep well last night. In bed at 10:30, asleep at 11:00. Up at 12:30 and fought for sleep the rest of the night. Up at 5 feeling ok. It felt a bit like when I drink too much coffee too late into the day. Speaking of coffee, I did have my last cup around 5 yesterday. Still, I'm thinking the 1 Db Overdrive was likely the cause.

Weight: 238 //Down 5 pounds.
Body Fat: 28.0%
Water Weight: 55.3%
Muscle: 34.4%

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 2

Finished day one without the normal snack that I feel I have to have to sleep.

Speaking of sleep, did not sleep very well. But not because of the lacking snack. I think the 8.5 mile run made me a bit sore, plus I felt a bit too tired to sleep than any effects of the Overdrive.

Weight: 241 //Down 2 pounds.
Body Fat: 29.2%
Water Weight: 54.4%
Muscle: 33.7%

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 1

Took only one tablet of Db Overdrive and one of the Thyro-drive to make sure I can tolerate them before moving to the suggested two tablets at a time.

Of course I can't rule out the placebo effect, but I do feel like I have more energy and focus. In fact sat down to do some work and the next thing I knew, 6 hours had gone by. If not for a clock, I would have estimated 2. Not sure if that's good or bad.

Eating right was not an issue today (so far).

Working out went very well also as I was in a good mood and felt like I wanted to work. Hope that feeling keeps up.

Weight: 243
Body Fat: 29.1%
Water Weight: 54.5%
Muscle: 33.7%

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My 1 Db Overdirve Plan

Like anything, I'll start the routine as recommended and monitor the results and perceived short-term effects such as mood, focus and energy levels. I've kept pretty good track of my workouts for the last year for duration, distance and pace, so comparing will be the easy. And much of the same in the working side of life. Tracking mood and focus will be of course more subjective.

I hope to see what 8 weeks will do. I would really like to see 25 of weight loss in these 8 weeks.

The starting numbers are around 248 pounds with a 29.1% of that being fat.
5K Time - Around 30 minutes

The 1 Db Overdrive Program

Here's the 1 Db Overdrive program,

For 5 days in a row
Take two pills in the morning and two in the afternoon. Do the same with the Thyro-Drive.

Then take two days off

Repeat the above for 7 more weeks

Then take two weeks off.

So in other words, 8 weeks on and two weeks off of 5 days on with 2 days off.

Buying 1 Db Overdrive

After hearing several convincing radio ads for 1 Db Overdrive, I decided to give it a try. The cost for a little over a months supply (along with the Thyro-drive which seemed to be a good idea) was $87 after tax. That price included a 25% discount for mentioning the radio ad.

I picked up the bottles from the Supplement Superstore. I was expecting a GNC like experience which is typically just a shop, pick out something and buy it. At the Supplement Supper Store Store, it was a bit of a hard sell experience, but not at all overwhelming. In fact I left the store more motivated than before entering the store.

Tomorrow (Monday) will be day 1 of the program.