Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 36 - Week 6

Suffered though another weekend of driving (14 hours or so) and fast food. Lucky I only put 2 pounds back on the scales. Starting another job today. In a way, a second job more than a new job. Will see what working outside the house during the day hours does for the diet.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 27.8%
Water Weight: 55.5%
Muscle: 34.6% 

Day 35 - Week 5

Driving back home from Hospital Visit with a stop at Buffalo Wildwings for some Football.

Day 34 - Week 5

Another weekend in a hospital waiting room with some trips to Burger King - Not good for the diet.

Day 33 - Week 5

Coming to the realization that I have not lost all that much weight after the first two weeks. Granted that is my fault. I need to get serious about eating better/less.  I do like the energy and mental focus that Db Overdrives helps with. And I like the appetite suppressant. I just need to take it the rest of the way.

Weight: 235
Body Fat: 27.1%
Water Weight: 56.0%
Muscle: 34.6% 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hoodia vs. Db Overdrive

Was reading some info on Hoodia Balance and was thinking about giving it a try after this cycle of the Db Overview. Also thinking about creating another blog like this to tell others about it.  Anyone else have any experience with using Hoodia?

Day 32 - Week 5

Yesterday's diet sucked. Not really due to hunger but because I eat what the people I was with for lunch and dinner eat. For lunch, it was a based more on social pressure than hungry.  At dinner, hungry played a bigger role but still, I could have easily make a better eating selection.

As far as sleep goes - I feel like I'm behind a few hours.  Got in about 5.5 last night due to work demands. I think I could have fallen aspleep without issue if given the chance to go to bed ealier. So what ever effects the Db Overdrive may have had and sometimes has with my sleeping, last night would not have been one of them.

Weight: 235
Body Fat: 27.3%
Water Weight: 55.9%
Muscle: 34.6%

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 31 - Week 5

Did not sleep well last night. In bed around midnight. Not asleep until after 3. Could not shut the mind down which is not something I normally have issue with. Assuming that the Db Overdrive and Thyro-drive may have had something to do with that. I took 2 pills of each around 6:30am and 1 pill each around 2:30pm. As far as today goes, feel ok working off a bit more than 4 hours of sleep.

On the scales this morning, I thought I was going to see 233 as the digital number was hovering there for a bit, but then jumped up to the same weight as yesterday's with what seemed to be more of a built in logic smoothing function than an actual measurement? Who knows. Happy to see the fat percentage number drop by a tenth.

Weight: 235
Body Fat: 27.1%
Water Weight: 56.0%
Muscle: 34.8%  

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 30 - Week 5

After a good day on the diet yesterday, the weekend weight went away.

Weight: 235
Body Fat: 27.2%
Water Weight: 55.9%
Muscle: 34.8%   

Day 29 - Week 5

Back on the program and back home after spending 4 days mostly in a hospital waiting room. I mention it just to point out that life gets in the way of the best planned diets and workout routines. On top of that, had a bit of a sinus cold or minor cold or what not last week that had a big effect on my motivation to get out and move.

Today, being back at home, away from the hospital with a renewed appreciation of being alive and healthy, I get for a quality 3 mile run, worked for 10 hours and stayed on the diet plan very well.  This is what life is about! It also actual felt good to be back on the Db Overdrive and Thyro-drive. I do think I'm starting to like the feeling of mental focus its helping boost. 

Regarding the weight - I did not really want to step on the scales this morning knowing what 4 days out of town sitting around, eating not so good will do the the pounds. But all in all, not bad for such a long trip.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 27.8%
Water Weight: 55.5%
Muscle: 34.4%   

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 28 - Week 4

Still sitting in hospital waiting room and moving very little.  If still here tomorrow and back on the 1 Db Overdrive program, it will be interesting to see what it does to the diet.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 27 - Week 4

Slept well last night - 7 hours or so.

Today is the 4th weekend off the Db Overdrive and Thyro-Drive. Still at hospital waiting room with hopes of departing today to head back home. The diet yesterday was not all that bad. Below average breakfast, above average lunch, so so dinner.  Problem is, if you don't count pounding the keys on the keyboard, pretty much zero exercise.

I do think the sinus issue I had a few days ago has gotten better. Or at least I've not noticed it enough to complain.

Day 26 - Week 4

Spent most of the day in a waiting room of a hospital with laptop working. Pretty much zero exercise. No snacking and really not all that hungry. Still, when given the chance to eat I picked the comfort foods.

Day 25 - Week 4

Fighting off a cold and feeling blah. Really don't feel like working out and did not. Going to have to go out of town for a few days, so not scales.

Weight: 236
Body Fat: 27.8%
Water Weight: 55.5%
Muscle: 34.4% 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 24 - Week 4

Felt tired and not too motivated yesterday. First day of feeling like that since I started this diet. Perhaps a cold coming on or such? Took some night time sinus medication last night and slept well from 12:30 to 6:00. Feel better this this morning so far.

Weight: 236
Body Fat: 27.5%
Water Weight: 55.7%
Muscle: 34.6% 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 23 - Week 4

Well into the 1-Db° Overdrive diet and I just learned how to get the little °character to show up after the b and before the O.

Returning from being out of town and away from the scales for a 3 days and happy to find my weight still pretty much where it was before I left. In fact I'm a bit surprised at that one. Over the last two weekends I gained around 3 pounds over just a two day weekend. Will take the reading with some guarded optimism and hope tomorrow's weigh in is just as good or better.

While I was out of town I picked up a another bottle of the 1-Db° Overdrive and Thyro-Drive.  Total cost of that after tax was right around $87. Projecting these bottles lasting for 5 weeks, and adding up what I still have in the first bottles, factoring in the two week off cycle coming up after week 8, and we're looking at the total cost of being on the F.A.S.T.Pack of around $175 for the first 12 weeks.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 27.6%
Water Weight: 55.6%
Muscle: 34.6% 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 22 - Week 4

I have been on the 1 Db Overdrive diet (aka Fast Pack or F.A.S.T.pack) now for 3 weeks and starting the 4th. So far I've been happy with the results averaging a pound less every 3 days or so.  Will have a more accurate count of the weight loss when I step on the scales tomorrow.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

1 Db Overdrive Side effects

The only negative side effects I've noticed after 3 weeks is not sleeping well. On the good side is greatly reduced appetite, the ability to focus on getting things done, and on top of that, more energy. All in the the not sleeping well is made up by the good side effects.

Day 21 Week 3

Been on the 1 Db Overdrive diet for 3 full weeks now.  Slept well last night and napped today. Back on the pills tomorrow and back on the scales in two days.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Does 1 Db Overdrive Work?

Does the 1 Db Overdrive Fastpack work? I would have to say yes. After beginning on it for 20 days, I've lost on average around 1 pound every 3 days. Also if you don't like to and or don't have time to cook for yourself, this diet plan is good as you can focus on protein and diet drinks during the day where as other diets, it seems that you spend a lot of time fixing food.  As in working even more with what you are trying to eat less of.  Not with this diet.

Day 20 - Week 3

Yesterday was the first day I took the full dose of One Db Overdrive and Thyro-Drive. Before that I was taking just 3 of the 4 pills each day.  I did split them into 3 doses instead of two.  I took the one pill each in the morning, then two pills each around 10AM, then one pill each around 2pm.  My appetite was completely under control and my energy levels where very good. In addition my focus was out of the world good as after my workout, I sat down with a technical book and read over 100 pages. As some of you may know, technical books, in this case a book on code are not a lot of fun to read and will often put one to sleep.  Reading just 20 pages is a challenge.

Sleep did not come easy - Other than a 10 minute power nap around 7pm, I did not get to sleep until after 2:30. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 19 - Week 3

Took 2 of One Db Overdrive and 2 of the Thyro-Drive tablets late yesterday morning and really felt the difference. I have up to to that day been taking just one tablet of each three times a day.  Yesterday was one of each early morning, and then the said two tablets a bit before lunch.  I can tell you I felt great during the afternoon with all kinds of energy and focus on work.  Actually went out and bought a work related book to read, read 60 pages and pitched a business idea to a client all before 5:30pm.  Hope everyday is as productive! Plus, I slept well from about 12:30am to 7. In fact really well.  Thinking about trying the same dosing schedule today.

Only problem yesterday is I eat too much and more than that, too much salt. Not because I was hungry, just because I caught caught up in life and before I knew it, there was the food on my plate. From that, I saw the difference on the scales this morning -- trying not to think about it. And I know it's more of an extra food in my stomach thing than extra fat that somehow materialized overnight.

No more access to scales until Tuesday morning, after the long weekend. Just hoping to not see anymore pounds on the scales when I step on them again 4 days from now.

Weight: 237 (Down 6 pounds in 18 days)
Body Fat: 27.9% (Down from 29.1% in 18 days)
Water Weight: 55.4%
Muscle: 34.4% (Up from 33.7% in 17 days)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

How Much Db Overdrive Costs?

The 1 Db Overdrive along with the Thyro-Drive will normally cost around $85 with the normal discount programs for the first month. After that you're looking at around $120 or so a month.

When on the program, you may save on your normal food costs. As far as my experience so far, I've been completely happy with Slim Fast like shakes for breakfast and lunch along with some protein snack bars for snack.  Contrast that to a trip to McDonald's for breakfast and lunch and your looking at saving $5 a day.

You will also save on your 5 Hour Energy and other energy drinks as the Overdrive and Thyro-Drive keep you awake and focused all day.

Day 18 - Week 3

Lost another pound on the Db Overdrive diet! Liking the results and people are starting to notice I'm looking better. Plus have made it though the as stated "stressful" time with an overall net lose in pounds. Now that things are looking good. Need to think about getting my 2nd month's supply of the Overdrive and Thyro-drive.

Looking back from Day 1, I've lost 9 pounds in 17 days while on the 1 Db Overdrive diet.

Weight: 234 (Down 9 pounds in 17 days)
Body Fat: 27.8% (Down from 29.1% in 17 days)
Water Weight: 55.5%
Muscle: 34.4% (Up from 33.7% in 17 days)