Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 29 - Week 5

Back on the program and back home after spending 4 days mostly in a hospital waiting room. I mention it just to point out that life gets in the way of the best planned diets and workout routines. On top of that, had a bit of a sinus cold or minor cold or what not last week that had a big effect on my motivation to get out and move.

Today, being back at home, away from the hospital with a renewed appreciation of being alive and healthy, I get for a quality 3 mile run, worked for 10 hours and stayed on the diet plan very well.  This is what life is about! It also actual felt good to be back on the Db Overdrive and Thyro-drive. I do think I'm starting to like the feeling of mental focus its helping boost. 

Regarding the weight - I did not really want to step on the scales this morning knowing what 4 days out of town sitting around, eating not so good will do the the pounds. But all in all, not bad for such a long trip.

Weight: 237
Body Fat: 27.8%
Water Weight: 55.5%
Muscle: 34.4%   

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